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Monsoon Store Elegance - Unveiling India's Hidden Gems

Spanning 5500 sq/ft in Althan, Surat, Monsoon Store Elegance is a commercial haven, seamlessly showcasing India's hidden treasures through its multi-designer offerings.







Image by Spacejoy

The Space

Monsoon Store, a multi-designer haven, occupies a blank canvas of 5500 sq/ft in Althan, Surat, spread across three distinct floors. The challenge included repositioning the external staircase to connect all floors seamlessly from within.

The Ask

With a clear vision inspired by the Ahmedabad location, Monsoon Store desired a classic vintage ambiance that mirrored the authenticity of their previous store. The task was not just to replicate the display but to recreate the same vibe and feel while incorporating similar materials used in their Ahmedabad branch.

The Result

Monsoon Store Elegance stands as a tribute to continuity and authenticity. The display mirrors the charm of the Ahmedabad location, ensuring a seamless transition for patrons familiar with the brand. The classic vintage ambiance permeates every inch, creating an atmosphere that is both timeless and inviting. Completed within a swift 1.5-month duration, Monsoon Store Elegance is not just a commercial space; it's a curated journey through the hidden gems of India, where every designer piece tells a story of tradition and elegance.

Project Gallery

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