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Harmony Dwelling - Doctor Krunal Gajjar Residence

Nestled in Vesu, Surat, Serenity Haven graces Doctor Krunal Gajjar's residence with its modern elegance and tranquil ambiance, spanning 1800sq/ft.







Image by Spacejoy

The Space

Dr. Gajjar's residence featured a standard layout with separate living, dining, and kitchen areas. Seeking a more contemporary and relaxing atmosphere, the doctor desired a space that provided respite after demanding days

The Ask

Dr. Gajjar envisioned a home that seamlessly blended modern elegance with a sense of tranquility. The request was for a design that fostered relaxation and rejuvenation while maintaining functionality and style.

The Result

Serenity Haven epitomizes modern elegance and tranquility. The open floor plan creates a sense of spaciousness and flow, while the serene palette of natural hues imbues the space with a calming ambiance. Functional living spaces effortlessly combine style and practicality, offering a sanctuary where Dr. Gajjar can unwind and recharge. Natural elements such as houseplants and artwork depicting nature scenes add a touch of serenity, completing the harmonious atmosphere of Serenity Haven.

Project Gallery

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